You were hopeful about the term, which started three months earlier. You were confident about the coursework after reading through the letter of (unconditional) offer from your admissions tutor. You thought your dedication to literature would be enough. Three shattering months later, your high hopes came crashing down. You had a holiday with your parents, and you don't like coming back to the university.
Should you finish the term? More importantly, do you think it will be wise to take a year off?
Even your parents got the blues. They did missed your presence, but they also experienced the mixed feelings tormenting you. The season was unseasonably warm, and you saw your mother checking out the soil the other day. It seemed damp enough to plant some rose seeds, and you were tempted to ask her if she needed help. And then you were reminded of your upcoming assignments. You sighed when your housemates came to mind.
Do you really hate your first year at the university?
You were an introvert by nature, so making new friends was a big deal to you. You were hoping that you would keep in touch with them for the rest of your lives, but you were getting ahead. Getting drunk was part of your do list, but it was becoming repetitive. You don't want to hear "Blank Space" one more time. And then you wondered about your new friends. Did they enjoyed your presence? Could it be the case of familiarity breeding contempt?
You could be experiencing the second term blues.
Blame it on the holiday. (You were thinking of it when you were proscrastinating on your assignments.) You wish you can go on a holiday. (You're not a misanthrope, but you rather not invite your friends. You love adventure. You believe a Richard Linklater moment would happen to you. Hawaii could be the perfect place.) And your confidence is taking a beating. (You didn't like the constructive criticism on your grammar.) What would you do?
Tell your parents about it. They would share your experience during their younger years. It might also be a good opportunity to ask them about the next holiday. (You still recalled Paris.) You can reveal your feelings to your housemates. Don't be surprised if they would feel the same. (It's a mistake to make assumptions.) Why not join clubs? If you have the time for partying, then why not allot more time on meeting other people. It might not be long before you become familiar with most students in your department. You'll find your support system in no time.