If you are a student who enjoys arguing your point of view or persuading someone to change their mind about something- writing a persuasive essay will be right up your alley! However, if you are a student who does not possess the qualities necessary for the 'art of persuasion' writing a persuasive essay, let alone an introduction can definitely be a challenge. The good news is...it doesn't have to be! Not if you learn how to write one that is interesting, as well as effective and keeps you audience engaged from beginning to end!
As with any academic essay a student is required to write, you will have to begin the process of writing your essay with selecting a topic- once you have that out of the way, the next crucial step will be formulating your introduction to your essay. One of the most important aspects to writing this essay will be to 'grab the attention' of your reader right away. While this may be 'easier said than done' if you follow the guidelines below, writing your introduction will be a bit easier for you.
- Start your introduction by 'hooking' the reader- this is where you will want to engage the reader so he or she is encouraged to read the remainder of your essay. A good way to accomplish 'hooking' them is to introduce some relevant information or little known fact about your topic. It could be a quote, an anecdote or some other phrase or outrageous statement that makes them sit up and take notice to the arguement or 'case' you are going to present.
- Your introduction must also contain a strong thesis statement that clearly defines the argument you will be presenting. One that will interests or perhaps 'shocks' your reader will always be the cause of some debate on your topic. It will need to entice your reader enough so that he or she wants to finish your essay in its entirety, enabling them to decide which side of the debate is more valid.
The introduction to a persuasive essay will be an essential component to your overall paper's success, if you are able to attract the reader's attention in the introduction using vivid language in a skillfully persuasive manner, it should invoke a response from your audience immediately. If, as the writer, you can accomplish this-, chances are ...you will no doubt have a successful and effective paper on your hands that demands, in the very least, further debate.