Every country has something to offer foreigners – either it is a unique product or cheap service it is always pleasant to experience something new. For example, the Netherlands offer high standard education which is low cost.
That makes this country attractive for students, especilally students from the countries with above avarage tuition fees for a postgrad degree. For most UK students attempts to get a job after finishing the degree is almost unreal as the job market is too fierce now. Pursuing postgraduate study in the home country is unreasonable and beyond many students' reach.
What's the option then?
Tuition fees are much lower in many countries compared with the UK. For example, taking the course that costs almost £4,000 in the UK would be less than £1,500 in the Netherlands.
Moreover, studying abroad is a great experience for any student. It does not only teach you how to accomodate to new country and adapt to diverse student body but also make you overcome various difficulties and meet new challenges. Some students may find it difficult to find a decent accommodation or adjust to new cuisine. Anyway, these challenges are only a small part of a great adventure to everyone.
Last month Ucas reported a 9% drop in applications to UK universities. This is a consequence of tuition fees raise. Students who do not want to be in a huge debt while getting a degree, will find new places to get higher education in. This must be welcomed by employers: students who studied abroad have high standard education and get unique experience of living in another country.